Friday, May 22, 2020

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I have not put up anything on this in a while. I have to get used to it. I have been putting up questions on Quora that stands for QUestions OR Answer! Here is one example.

Is vitamin D the best thing you can take into your body to prevent cancer?

For now I will leave it like this and see how it works. You can learn a lot from the site above, See what this says! Andrew Weil M.D graduated Harvard college and Harvard Medical School. He says in the forward of the book, The Vitamin D Solution the following:

"Increasing the amount of vitamin D in the body can prevent or help treat a remarkable number of ailments, from obesity to arthritis, from high blood pressure to back pain, from diabetes to muscle cramps, from upper respiratory tract infections to infectious disease, and from fibromyalgia to cancers of the breast, colon, pancreas, prostate and ovaries."

This article gets a lot of views because it very important to your health.

How Much Vitamin Should you take daily?
Chuck Bluestein
Chuck Bluestein, works at Self-Employment
Since this got so many views on it, I should leave a comment on it. Ben Franklin was wise and discovered electricity. He said “To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.” I started to eat one meal a day at age 20. But Herschel Walker started eating one meal a day at age 18 and he is now 56. He had too many things to do than to eat more than once a day. He is a former professional American football player, bobsledder, sprinter, and mixed martial artist. He won the Heisman Trophy in 1982.
The main health problem in the world is obesity and the average person gets heavier everyday. People eat because it gives them happiness. They need other things to give them happiness. Now I have been able to see what happens. I have never been overweight or underweight but I have not eaten at all for 22 days, drinking only pure water— no minerals in it. Fasting can make you healthier by giving your body less to clean out.
So the person stops eating at a certain amount of pain, If they eat more, they have more pain. They eat so much that they associate an almost empty stomach as being painful. But I have an empty stomach all day and I do not feel hungry. Hunger is an association. If it is painful when you don’t eat for a day, see a doctor and fast under his supervision.
Dr. Mark Matson has a PhD in neuroscience (brain science). He is Chief of the Laboratory of Neurosciences at the National Institute on Aging Intramural Research Program National Institute on Aging. He is also Professor of Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University. Here is a website:
The Science of One Meal a Day
It says “According to American neuroscientist Dr. Mark Mattson, in a research paper he published in a British medical journal called The Lancet in 2005, eating one meal a day is the healthiest and most natural way of life.
Dr. Mattson believes that eating one meal a day or one meal every other day can actually cut calorie intake by 40 percent. He and other researchers also suggest that such a diet can serve as a protection against diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, as well as against cardiovascular diseases.
I saved the best for last. Here is news about a couple that are medical doctors.
They are Bert and Judi Herring and both are medical doctors. Now he was working for the NCI (National Cancer Institute) so his job was to cure cancer. He would eat breakfast and dinner and at lunchtime he would give a ride to his kids. He accidentally skipped breakfast and expected things to happen. Nothing happened so he only had one meal a day for a couple of weeks. He lost 20 pounds and he was his ideal weight. In the video below by Dr. Mattson, you find that eating this way causes your body to burn fat.
So his wife tried it and lost 30 pounds and was her ideal weight. His friend tried it and lost 35 pounds. So this is for losing weight and you eat whatever you want and as much as you want. Now health comes from eating healthy foods. I am now a vegan but was vegetarian since I was age 20. He has a book, The Fast 5 Diet. You eat within the 5 hours and don’t eat for 19 hours. You pick the times. A lady lost 200 pounds. He is a medical doctor but does not have a complex theory on why it works. It just works. Here is his 16 minute video on T.E.D.
The Buddha lived 2,500 years ago and ate only once per day. This website says:
The Buddha did not eat once a day as an act of austerity as one may think, but rather for health benefits and its practical advantages. Buddhist masters who engage in this practice emphasize the health benefits by pointing out that a single meal means the body only needs to digest food once a day and, therefore, expends far less energy than a typical three meal a day diet. Moreover, less time is spent preparing, consuming, and cleaning up afterward. When the body is given less food, necessity assures full use of the nutrients it receives.
Here is 16 minute video by Dr. Mark Mattson on TED who was mentioned above. Note that intermittent fasting is when you fast for less than 24 hours or one day.