Monday, July 9, 2018

Indian Push-ups for Strength, Agility and Endurance

In the above article this is called Indian Push-Ups. Most articles call this a Hindu Push-up. This would be like calling an American pushup a Christian push-up. Why bring religion into it? After India gained its independence from Great Britain, the Muslims and Hindus in India were killing each other. Here is a video on how to do it.

In the above video the guy says that he likes it because it involves rocking and headnog which are exercises to normalize movement. I like it because it involves the yoga stretches the cobra and the downward facing dog. A cardiologist says that it is great for the lymphatic system. The cobra really stretches the lower back. The down dog (nickname for it) really stretches the shoulders by pressing downward.

Also this exercise is not a strength exercise like regular push ups. It is a strength/endurance exercise so it involves your cardiovascular system and can cause you to breath heavily. Here is another video of the Indian push-up but there is no need to alter your breathing like you can hear this guy doing.

Now what is wrong with regular push-ups? They develop your chest muscles. So what is wrong with that? Well the opposing muscles are the back muscles and if you exercise both then the balance looks really good. Now if you just exercise your chest muscles, it pulls your shoulders toward your chest and you develop round shoulders. So in high school I would have to skip music class and go to remedial gym to work on my round shoulders.

The Indian squat is a chance to work your lower body and get a cardiovascular work out. Note that with each one you have to do a minimum of one billion. I am kidding but do not let people order you around. Do what feels comfortable. They are for your benefit. See the same guy with a video of it. This guy has a certain breathing pattern but I do not follow breathing patterns.

I do not agree with raising my heals. It looks nicer the way this woman does it. She is a certified PACE instructor.

Here is how you can combine both of them.

Now in some places like the Amazon rain forest they do not have chairs to sit in. So do they sit on the ground and get their bum dirty? No, they squat. They can do that comfortably for hours. But to some people it is a yoga pose. You probably read that the longer you sit the sooner you die. At some work stations you can sit or stand.

One more thing. A lot of Westerners have problems with their colon that 1.4 billion Chinese do not have. They do not have toilets. They squat over a hole and know that is a lot healthier and opens them fully for evacuation. See Is the Way That You Are Going to the Bathroom Shortening Your Lifespan? I can squat on the toilet seat but you have to be careful or buy something that you can squat on.

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