This is from the article Trump and the Republicans Are Redefining “Religious Freedom” to Favor Christians.
This is about the beliefs of Christians and common sense. A popular saying is that common sense isn't so common. Many people have been declared dead by medical doctors and were alive after. The thing is none of those people are said to be alive 500 years later.
So even though it is said that Jesus came back to life you do not have reports of sane people talking to him now-a-days. So that means that you had the chance to talk to God in human form for about 35 years. Everyone who came before that time were out of luck and everyone that comes after that time will not be able to talk or hear from a human that is one with God. Now if He would have come at the time that they had videos, you could listen to Him and a translation of what He was saying in your language.
Now that is better than a belief that God was never in a human form. But Christians are not known for being familiar with other religions. So it may come to you as a surprise that millions of people, mostly Indians, believe that God is always in a human form to talk to human beings. See like Jesus He is a man but also Divine like God. I guess you know that Buddha was a man but any man could become enlightened or one with God. Have you met a man that was enlightened or one with God. Maybe they are the same thing.
So these people believe in a God that is much nicer and much more compassionate. Also He loves human beings so much that He wants to be with them all the time. That is why this article has such a title. Now if a person could speak your language than everything would be easier. But for a lot of people that would be too much for God to have that much love for human beings that He would want to be with them all the time. That would be too much love for God to have.
If there were a person like this now you could listen to him and judge him and your judgement would always be right since he has come here to be with you. If you are not a religious person then you could just look at this person as an enlightened person. In fact you have been told that you have to believe in God or not believe in God or believe that you cannot know. But the gnostics believe you can know by direct experience.
Did Jesus invent the idea of heaven and hell? 500 years before Jesus was born there was a huge religion in the middle east that had hundreds of thousands of followers. It taught that if you did more good than bad, than you went to heaven. If you did more bad than good, you went to hell.
Wikipedia says:
Zoroastrianism,[n 1] or more natively Mazdayasna, is one of the world's oldest extant religions, which is monotheistic in having a single creator God.... Ascribed to the teachings of the Iranian-speaking prophet Zoroaster (also known as Zarathustra),[2] it exalts a deity of wisdom, Ahura Mazda (Wise Lord), as its Supreme Being.[3] Major features of Zoroastrianism, such as messianism, judgment after death, heaven and hell, and free will have influenced other religious systems, including Second Temple Judaism, Gnosticism, Christianity, and Islam.[4] Following the Iranian Revolution and the arrival of the Islamic theocracy in Iran, Zoroastrianism is having a strong revival amongst many Iranians who want to express discontent towards the dictatorial theocratic regime.[5]
Did Jesus invent the idea of heaven and hell? 500 years before Jesus was born there was a huge religion in the middle east that had hundreds of thousands of followers. It taught that if you did more good than bad, than you went to heaven. If you did more bad than good, you went to hell.
Wikipedia says:
Zoroastrianism,[n 1] or more natively Mazdayasna, is one of the world's oldest extant religions, which is monotheistic in having a single creator God.... Ascribed to the teachings of the Iranian-speaking prophet Zoroaster (also known as Zarathustra),[2] it exalts a deity of wisdom, Ahura Mazda (Wise Lord), as its Supreme Being.[3] Major features of Zoroastrianism, such as messianism, judgment after death, heaven and hell, and free will have influenced other religious systems, including Second Temple Judaism, Gnosticism, Christianity, and Islam.[4] Following the Iranian Revolution and the arrival of the Islamic theocracy in Iran, Zoroastrianism is having a strong revival amongst many Iranians who want to express discontent towards the dictatorial theocratic regime.[5]
So let us talk about you. If you are reading this article, this article was written for you. If you live in this world, then this world was put here for you. If you communicate with other people, then these people were put here for you. And if you can hear one time you should listen to this person so you can say that you listened to that person but his message was not for you. That is okay. You are not going to have things done to you that was credited to the Spanish Inquisition. Under one minute:
I love the movie Brother Sun, Sister Moon about St. Francis of Assisi. It is against the Catholic religion with all its complications. Also Catholics are not known for movies that have a naked man in it. 8.5 minute video.
"If the purpose of life is this loveless toil that we fill our days with, then it's not for me. There must be something better. There has to be. Man is a spirit. He has a soul. And that is what I want to recapture-- my soul."
Here is an 8 minute video at the end of that movie. The Pope kisses his feet!
The next video is "Prem Rawat: Does it work ? Yes!" It is under 4 minutes.
"How much joy? Immeasurable joy!"
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